Sep 4Liked by Katie May Chesworth

Absolutely speaking my language there! I’m currently walking the Cotswold Way which I do in 2-3mile chunks. It’s going to take me years to finish but I’m just enjoying picking up where I left off every time I go and seeing a change in the terrain or the change in season! Hoping to get out to the next bit in a couple of weeks 🥰

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I love this idea of breaking down one of these big walks into more acheivable chunks - I think I miht try this too! It’s about the journey, and enjoying it, and thats the true essence of being a gentle adventurer!

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Sep 5Liked by Katie May Chesworth

“Gentle adventurer” what a delightful concept. Exactly the frame I need for life right now. Thanks

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Aw I’m so pleased you like the concept! And I hope it helps you have some gentle adventures this season 🍂

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Sep 4Liked by Katie May Chesworth

Thank you for helping me define what I am, too: A gentle adventurer! And stopping for cake on a walk? You are my sort of gal! :)

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cake is a must for any walk, right?! I’d love to hear what gentle adventures you end up on this season 🍂

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Reading this felt like a gentle adventure. It's also inspiring and makes me take stock of all that I do. Thanks.

I've got a small woods and a river near me that I love walking through. I feel held and safe under the trees and I feel like the flowing water helps me to process my thoughts. Sometimes I get bored of it until I remember how it makes me feel. I'm actually very lucky to live where I do!

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I love this new perspective that you have! I live near a similar sounding walk, and it’s so lovely to get out into the woodlands isn’t it!

I definitely didn’t appreciate how lucky I was to live so close to a place I felt safe walking alone until I went to uni and spent 4 years living in a city! I’m so grateful to live in the countryside again ✨

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Sep 4Liked by Katie May Chesworth

This was a lovely read! I appreciate how you’ve embraced the idea of gentle adventuring and offered such thoughtful suggestions for making the most of everyday moments. Your blend of nature and home-based ideas is perfect for those seeking balance...like me tbf :)

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Thank you so much for your lovely comment Jon! Can't wait to hear about your gentle adventures ☺️

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Sep 6Liked by Katie May Chesworth

I love this concept. I am definitely a gentle adventurer! I love hiking, beach walks, visiting a new town that's just a bus ride away. With travel too, I love mini city- or beach breaks, it doesn't have to be "three months in the desert off-grid" or something dramatic. I don't like anything scary, nothing that goes fast :D but give me a sunset beach stroll, all-day hike or exploring a tiny village with a coffee in my hand and I'm there.

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Yes yes yes 🙌 love this Sascha - I totally agree! I’m a home bird so I love a weekend break, day trip and a week or two away, but it’s also lovely to come back to your home base!

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Sep 6Liked by Katie May Chesworth

One of our favourite gentle adventures as a family is to climb the hill behind our house to watch the sunset, and have pudding. We can usually only do this once autumn comes around and sunset gets earlier, so that the kids can still be in bed at a reasonable time!

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This is such a lovely idea and something I’m going to try over the next few weeks! Hopefully there’ll be some good sunsets coming our way!

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Sep 6Liked by Katie May Chesworth

I live in the mountains and my favriote slow adventure are my morning walks down to the river and sunset bike rides down the highway. watching the stars at night. and in the winter time driving the truck to the field turning off the lights and watching the elk move down the mountain.

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this sounds absolutely blissful ✨ wgat an incredible way to start and end your day!

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I'm taking a course on connecting with nature in my mental health counseling program. While I love being outdoors when the weather allows, this feels like I'm taking our relationship to the next level. Nature offers so many opportunities to experience adventures great and small.

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Oh wow, this sounds incredible! I’d love to hear more about this course, sounds perfect!

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I love the idea of being a gentle adventurer, and yes, the journey can, and should be, as fulfilling and enjoyable as the destination ✨

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I’m totally with you on this one. I love the outdoors, going for walks (especially if there is a cafe with cake along the route!), being by the sea as well as curling up with a book or a sketch book indoors. But ask me to climb a mountain…forget it! I’m definitely not a Mountain Goat!

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